Table of Contents
The fourth installment of the Standards, Precautions, and Advances in Ancient Metagenomics (SPAAM4) will take place on 12-14 October 2022. The Zoom link will be sent out to registrants and presenters via email on October 10th.
For up to date information, follow us on twitter at @spaam_community and use the #SPAAM4 hashtag to keep up to date.
Who is attending? We have over 100 registrants from 6 continents.
Official Conference Artist Returning once more, our official conference artist is Petra Korlevic, a staff scientist at the Sanger institutue. Follow her at @petrathepostdoc and keep an eye on twitter for SPAAM4 doodles!
Registration for SPAAM4 is currently CLOSED. Registration is required to attend. If you have questions, please email
For more information, any questions, suggestions, ideas regarding SPAAM4, please contact us at
Conference Organizers
SPAAM4 Organisers:

Nasreen Broomand

Abby Gancz

Gunnar Neumann
Pooja Swali
Shreya Ramachandran
Nasreen Broomand Nasreen is a PhD candidate in the Human Paleogenomics Lab at UC Santa Cruz. Her wide-ranging research interests include modern-day diseases and public health, evolutionary genomics of pathogens, the microbiome’s role in the evolution of the human immune system, non-invasive DNA methods, research ethics, inclusive community-based participatory research, and the long-lasting impacts of colonialism on human health outcomes. In addition to her research, she is currently assisting the Monterey Bay Archaeological Archives in their NAGPRA compliance process and serves as co-president of UCSC Women in Science and Engineering in their fight for diversity and equity in the sciences.
Abby Gancz Abby is a PhD candidate in Anthropology at the MicroARCH lab at Penn State University. Her research is on ancient systemic diseases and their associations with the human oral microbiome. In addition to her research, she works towards improving science education and outreach in the central Pennsylvania Area.
Gunnar Neumann PhD student, MPI for Evolutionary Anthropology.
Pooja Swali Pooja is Currently a PhD student at the Francis Crick Institute, looking at how ancient pathogens have evolved in time, with a predominant focus on prehistoric Britain. Alongside her PhD, she is using her background in science communication to develop activities and communicate why we study ancient DNA to the general public. She is also dedicated to widen participation and increase equality and diversity in STEM subjects.
Shreya Ramachandran Shreya is a PhD candidate in the GenSCAPE lab at the University of Chicago, advised by Dr. Maanasa Raghavan. She is interested in microbial evolution across space and time, and studies ancient pathogenic bacteria and modern gut microbiomes in diverse populations. She is passionate about ethical community-based research, diversity and equity in science, academic writing pedagogy, and crossword puzzles.