
An international and open community of ancient metagenomics researchers.

Latest news from the SPAAM community!

New SPAAM Project: Metadata standards

The next SPAAM project will be commencing in the new year! We will be establishing a working group for the development of a possible MIxS checklist for ancient DNA and ancient metagenomics, to improve the reporting of metadata of samples and data. Check the events pages for more information!

New paper from SPAAM!

The second paper from SPAAM is now published in mSystems! This publication evolved out of the discussions of SPAAM2 See [publications] for more information.

Next SPAAM event: Metadatathon

The Metadatathon is back for round 2! Please see the Event page for details about the AncientMetagenomeDir metadatathon happening on Dec 16th 2021!